8 All about RNAseq
8.1 General
- Functional annotation of the mouse (FANTOM)
- Encyclopedia of DNA elements (ENCODE)
- Single loci can lead to to six different mRNA isoforms, on average, instead of single transcript
8.2 Technology
What is it for?
- what is expressed (exon locatios /strand) ?
- how much is expressed (hits per transcripts) ?
old way to do DE - microarray
- do need as much starting material for RNAseq
- biological
- poisson noise from samplinig (have level of uncertanty at low level, low counts)
- Effect size (do the genes go up by alot or not - high signal)
amount of variation
get better depth using poly-A enriched, because rRNA depletion will leave lots of other RNA around therefore diluting mRNA by some percent
mean fragment size ~ 300 bp
measure of uncertanty of the base call
8.3 Differential expression (DE)
- library size is total number of mapped reads. Library size might vary for individual samples.
Total number of reads per gene proportional to:
- gene expression level (to get cpm (count per million) divide each read count by library size multiplied by million). This is enable you to compare different library sized samples
- transcript length
- sequencing depth of the library # Ideas
- have a url with multiqc report ready for browsing
explain reference file (FASTA) and annotation files (GTF)